
Remember the way……


Neighbor. is a healing justice organization that is dedicated to using art, education, and spirituality as powerful pathways to build and strengthen communities towards liberation. Our mission is to provide curated safe and inclusive spaces that center Black queer identities to educate and enrich people from all walks of life. Spaces where can come together to explore, learn, connect, and unite. We hold space for our neighbors. We move toward the future knowing that we cant get rid of or change harmful systems without addressing the beliefs and behaviors that sustains them.

What is healing justice?

Healing justice is a concept that focuses on the intersection between healing practices and social justice activism. It recognizes that systemic oppression, discrimination, and violence can cause physical, emotional, and spiritual harm to individuals and communities, and that healing from this harm is essential to achieving justice and liberation. Healing justice seeks to address the root causes of harm and trauma, and to promote holistic healing for individuals and communities.

“World Change relies on our capacity to Care.”

The true reality of our condition is that everything is connected. When the world is taken care of then you are taken care of. There is no amount of money that can fix community, its a inside job. We have to be committed to community development from a deeper place. A spiritual place.

Changing the world is easy, we do it every time we make a choice.

Neighbor inspires the world to embrace the choice they have within change. Our communities will not effectively progress if we don’t make the choices that benefit them. We must heal our communities spiritually by addressing the trauma before change can be realized.


Ready to take the next step?

This is a movement of billions. Whether you’re most comfortable contributing time to help achieve our advocacy goals, money to help us grow, or energy to put political pressure on our governments to enforce change, we need you on our team.


Let’s meet up in real life to share in the beauty of community. Harambee?


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