Love thy Neighbor.

Remember the way…


Neighbor is a Healing Justice Organization that has chosen a pathway to liberation through art activism, restorative training programs on community dynamics, health & wellness, and spiritual activism. Neighbor is rooted in the spiritual/conscious liberation of Black people across the diaspora as a pathway to dismantling harmful government systems. We are inspired to create healing systems that are life giving to black people and those who have been oppressed using an abolitionist framework.


Healing justice recognizes that traditional Western medicine and therapeutic practices may not be sufficient to address the systemic and historical trauma experienced by marginalized communities. It emphasizes the importance of incorporating culturally relevant healing practices, such as meditation, yoga, acupuncture, and herbal medicine, into social justice movements. It also recognizes that healing is not just an individual process, but a collective one that requires community support and accountability.

Healing justice is grounded in the belief that healing and social justice are interconnected and interdependent. It recognizes that without addressing the root causes of harm and trauma, social justice movements may perpetuate cycles of violence and harm. It also recognizes that without healing, individuals and communities may not have the resilience and resources necessary to sustain long-term social justice work.

Overall, healing justice is a holistic approach to social justice work that recognizes the importance of healing and well-being for individuals and communities, and seeks to integrate healing practices into social justice movements to promote collective liberation.


Our nonprofit organization is dedicated to using art, education, and spirituality as powerful tools to build and strengthen communities. Our mission is to provide a safe and inclusive space where people from all walks of life can come together to explore, learn, and connect.


We believe that art has the power to inspire, educate, and transform individuals and communities. Through our programs, we aim to promote creativity and self-expression, while fostering a sense of belonging and mutual respect.


Our commitment to education is rooted in the belief that everyone should have access to knowledge and skills that can improve their lives and the lives of those around them. We strive to provide high-quality educational resources and opportunities that are accessible and relevant to diverse communities.


Spirituality is an integral part of our organization, as we recognize that many people find meaning and purpose through connection to something greater than themselves. Our programs are designed to explore spiritual practices and beliefs in a non-judgmental and inclusive way, promoting understanding and respect for diverse perspectives.

Our story is their story. Your story is my story.

We must never forget to feel. Empathy is the deepest form of communication. World change relies on our capacity to care.